6 easy ways to make am average presentation amazing

So, you’ve got to the point where you’ve created your presentation and now you want to know how to change your average presentation design to one that is amazing, engaging and impressive.
We’ve collected six easy ways you can alter your presentation design to make your presentation not only aesthetically pleasing but also persuasive and engaging – whether you are in the classroom or the boardroom.
How can you make your presentation amazing?

1. Make your presentation personal
One of the best tips we can give to make your presentation more persuasive is to include personal anecdotes or details. Hopefully, then, your audience will be able to relate to you as a speaker and your presentation, maybe even empathise or laugh at your stories and ultimately engage much more than if you are are simply throwing facts at them.
It doesn’t have to be something super personal – there is obviously a line when it comes to over-sharing – but a story relating to family or friends or your hometown will make you relatable and engage your audience.


2. Add a creative twist to your presentation design
This may seem like a complex ‘tip’, but with an online presentation tool like Presbee, it is easy and quick to change your presentation design up to make it more aesthetically pleasing and impressive.
If your general slide templates are simplistic or boring then why not use one of Presbee’s ready made templates and add them to all of your slides? You can keep all of the text and images you have added to each slide but you will have a slick, professional presentation that is all tied together.
Similarly, why not insert into a slide a video to emphasise your point and add an interesting twist for your audience. Presbee makes it really easy to do this, and you can stream the video right into your slide, instead of having to follow a link to a separate browser window.
Why not check out our gallery for more examples of how Presbee can produce beautiful presentation designs.


3. Think about what your colour scheme is saying about you
An easy improvement that can be made to an average presentation design is to change up your colour scheme. Think about what your colour scheme is saying to your audience, and what it is that you want it to say. If you just have no idea about which colour to go for then why not look at our post How to Use Colour in Your Presentation Design.
Again, for a quick fix, then have a look at Presbee’s slide templates and also the colour palettes used, to create a presentation that looks impressive and will engage your audience.


4. Take your audience on a journey
The most engaging presentations will take the audience on a journey, or at the very least tell a story, so in the simplest way, think about an opening, a middle and an end within your slides. When you’ve already created your presentation and are just looking to make a few tweaks, then maybe just insert a few extra slides to add to your story, or even rearrange your slide order to add to this.
We’ve gone into more detail about making your presentation more persuasive by telling a story here.


5. Swap out bad quality images
One easy way to make your average presentation design amazing is to go through it and make sure all of your images are of a high quality. Nothing screams average and amateur like a fuzzy pixelated image that isn’t even that relevant to the information you’re conveying.
If you’re struggling to find better quality images for your presentation design then you need look no further than the image library within Presbee. There you can find a wide range of high-quality images to choose from. Remember to think about linking your images to the story you are telling and also the colour scheme of your presentation for that ultra-professional look.


6. Keep it Simple
One of the quickest and easiest things you can do to take your average presentation to being impressive and amazing is to cut out the information overload.
If you have slides packed with text and facts then cut them down. If your audience is faced with too much information they are more than likely to lose track of everything you are putting forward, if not switch off entirely.
Scan through your slide deck and if there are solid chunks of text appearing then quickly pick out the vital information and make it concise.


So there you go, out six easy tips to make your average presentation amazing. If you need more advice on any of the points we’ve made then head over to our Learning Centre where you can find more posts on improving your presentation and the great features of Presbee.

Do you have any other easy tips to improve our reader’s presentations? Are there any last minute changes you normally make to your own presentations?

6 Easy Ways to Make an Average Presentation Amazing
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