At times we can’t always be fully prepared for what may crop up in business. It is desirable to be able to have the time to perfect a sales pitch, triple check it and rehearse your speech but what if a contact you have been trying to organise a meeting with calls you in at the last minute? You certainly don’t want to turn this opportunity down so you need to work quickly and efficiently to create your sales pitch that will hopefully seal that deal you have been longing for.
Focus on the Important Facts
Clear your mind and make a concise list of all of the important aspects of your business. These need to include:
- Your business overview
- What you have to offer
- Your services
- Why they should work with you
- Vital statistics
Don’t Think That The Product Will Just Sell Itself
It can be easy to think that you can walk into a room and expect the product/service that you think so highly of will just sell itself. The buyer isn’t looking just for that product, they are looking for the team behind it all. It is just as important to sell yourself as it is to sell your product and they need to be able to relate to you, get to know you and most importantly, like you. Your confidence, rapport and personality needs to shine through which means that any nerves need to be put to one side… especially as these will also hinder your creative side when working to a deadline.
Understand Your Buyer’s Needs
This is your one and only chance to impress so you need to show the buyer that you understand their company and their needs and that you can meet these. Having a keen knowledge in their business will benefit yours no end. You can use this knowledge to adapt your sales pitch to gain their interest. For example, make a header that will draw them in, give scenarios within your presentation that are directed at their type of business, anything that will have them hooked.
Think About Problem-Solving
Do not go into the presentation naive. Problems can and do arise but if you can show that you have already thought of these your buyers will be very impressed. Keep these problems in your mind– they don’t necessarily need to be displayed on a screen– they just need to be prepared for and your answers at the ready.
If you are already aware of problems that this company is experiencing you can use this to your advantage. Prove how your product or services can solve these issues and back this up with facts and figures.
Display Your Figures Effectively
First off, don’t try to include every statistic that you have, you won’t have the time to create charts for all and you don’t want anyone switching off. The figures you need are the ones that directly affect your listeners and the ones that will wow them. Prove your sales with eye catching layouts and don’t forget to include customer testimonials.

Use Professional Images
The finishing touch to your presentation is to add images that grab the attention of your buyers. If you use blurry, pixelated shots you aren’t showing off your company to it’s full extent. Use images that are clear, professional and that showcase your product/services in a way that will make the buyer wanting to know more.
Do Your Checks
One of the worst things you can do is quickly create your presentation and complete it without doing a final check. If you need to, get a colleague to run their eyes over it and ensure they are checking thoroughly for any grammatical or spelling mistakes then do so, sometimes they will see something that you’ve missed. You don’t want to lose out on this chance to make a deal because you have been sloppy with your final draft.
Once you feel as though your presentation is ready to go make sure you are too. Dress to make an impression, take your confidence and forget your nerves, have your problem-solving head on and remember any products, props, leaflets etc that will also benefit you.
Inside the Meeting…
Sealing the Deal
So many people make the mistake of finishing their presentation and simply leaving with things still up in the air. At the end of the day, you are there to make an impression and to sell so you need to get this in at the end of your pitch. Show that you are confident enough to address the fact but do not come across as pushy or arrogant… now is not the time to ruin all of your hard work. The chances are they have already made a decision based on what your presentation displayed and what you had to say so you are simply giving them a nudge to make a deal right there and then.
The sale doesn’t end as soon as you walk out of that room. Show how courteous your company is and follow-up sales details with confirmation emails, check that they are happy and keep a good open line of communication going.
Good luck with your sales pitch and we hope that your presentation will now be one to impress.